
YouTube, Vimeo or HTML5 using the awesome SublimeVideo player


[video type="html5" thumbnail="" mp4="" webm="" /]

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[video type="youtube" url="" /]

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[video type="vimeo" url="" /]

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[video] shortcode parameters:

Parameter name Parameter description Possible values Default value
type The video type YouTube, Vimeo or HTML5
url The URL of YouTube or Vimeo videos only
autoplay Autoplay the video on page load? true or false false
thumbnail The splash image URL
mp4 The URL of the MP4 HTML5 video file
mp4Hd The URL of the MP4 HTML5 video file in HD
webmOgg The URL of the WEBM or OGG HTML5 video file
webmOggHd The URL of the WEBM or OGG HTML5 video file in HD
width The desired width of the video in pixels
height The desired height of the video in pixels